Introduction to Financial Literacy Centres (FLCs)
Financial literacy centres are formed with the grant assistance of NABARD to take up such activities that promote financial literacy, awareness about banking services, financial planning and amelioration of debt related distress of an individual. It helps to provide financial counselling services in a non-intimidating environment using local languages. Its main aim is to provide education to the people in rural and urban areas on financial planning, responsible borrowing, proactive and early savings, debt counselling, micro pension, insurance and educate about various financial products and services available from the formal financial sector. Its one of the objectives is to formulate debt restructuring plans for borrowers in distress and recommend the same to formal financial institutions for consideration and to advocate advantages of connecting with the formal financial sector.
The basic focus of FLCs is providing financial literacy. The financial literacy efforts of FLCs encompass basic issues like the need for saving and starting early savings, making use of bank services, linking borrowing with repayment capacity, timely repayment, insurance and pension. The FLCs and rural branches of the banks conduct outdoor Financial Literacy Camps with focus on financially excluded people. The Head Office of the bank monitors the financial literacy efforts undertaken by their FLCs / branches through periodic reporting and also by resorting to random on-site visits.
Financial literacy program is supported by NABARD. NABARD reserves the right to modify, change and alter the terms and conditions and implementation of the project depending on requirement which shall be binding on the bank.
List of FLCs
Sr. No. Branch Office Block Financial Counsellor Mobile No.